I did one of those things today that parenting books and
experts always tell you not to – I got over-involved in my daughter’s school
It’s a major project due for a major program she is involved
in. It’s a big deal that she is on this program, but she treats it as part of
her normal school, so she gives it her normal level of care and attention.
Our assessment of this ‘normal level’ varies wildly. While
she would probably say she does enough and her grades are fine, I say she does
a half-hearted effort at the last minute which is well below her ability.
In reality, we are both probably correct.
With her major assignment due tomorrow, I finally pinned her
down and convinced her to read through her Powerpoint presentation for me.
Clearly she hadn’t proof read it, or if she had, she’d
decided the small typos weren’t an issue. She didn’t capitalise her last name. Spaces
inside the brackets instead of outside the bracket. Starting a sentence with a
lower case letter.
I wanted her to fix them, which she did without complaint.
But then I realised there was a major point she had missed –
maybe she had thought it too obvious to include, or maybe she hadn’t made the
connection yet. Either way, my suggestion was met with an eye roll, and then
she rolled off the chair to play with the puppy.
On her last assignment she had received a comment about her bibliography
being incomplete. I asked to see it. It was a few dot points that listed the
URLs of two websites, then ‘google’ ‘google maps’ and ‘google translator’
making up the last three items.
She’s ten, I get that. Apparently they haven’t actually
taught the kids what a bibliography is (so she says) but if that’s the case,
then I don’t think they should assess them. Either way, I’m pretty sure listing
‘Google’ as a reference is not considered the height of academic authenticity
and I may have said that.
So she left. In a huff. With yelling.
More yelling (hers and mine).
She wanted comforting, so she grabbed the dog.
The dog didn’t want comforting so she bit my daughter.
Now my daughter was angry not only at me but at the dog, and
kept chasing her and yelling at the dog, and I was chasing her and yelling at
her. The other two kids were open-mouthed, watching us run around the couch
like something out of a cartoon. It would be stupidly funny if not for the
words we were shouting.
‘You’re trying to make it your assignment, Mum. It’s not
mine anymore,’ she finally screamed.
I stopped. She was right. Totally 100% correct. I was trying
to correct her ten year old mistakes and omissions and add the knowledge of a
forty year old.
A forty year old who was making a rookie mistake: don’t do
their work. Don’t even try ‘to help’.
Keep your fingers awaaaaaaaay from the keyboard, lady.
It pained me (it actually pained me!) to select ‘don’t save’
as I removed her USB from the laptop, but she needed to submit her own
mistakes, not my corrections. [She refused to come back in the study at this
There are two possible outcomes tomorrow. The first is that
her teacher is happy. The second is that her teacher isn’t happy. If it is the
first, then I will be happy for her, and know that next time I should definitely
keep my fat trap shut. If it’s the second, then she may feel upset or embarrassed.
She will learn that she might need to work harder next time. She will learn
(hopefully) from the experience and she will be better for it.
The bigger lesson in all of this is that I need to trust her
more. I think as a parent I was right in
offering advice and pointing out where she could improve. It’s her choice whether
or not to take that on.
I said at the beginning it’s a big deal she made it
into this program - she’s bright and they saw something special in her. I need
to sit back and let her make that something special shine. Even if it means
sitting on my hands.
Oh gosh, it's so hard hey!! So far Mr7's stuff is very low stakes so I am happy to let him deal with all consequences but I know it will get harder as he gets older. I will always remember my mum telling me when I started high school that she would always be around if I wanted some help with school work but she would never offer and that worked out very well! But not sure I will be as smart as her. I'll try.